TMJ Treatment – Mississauga, ON

Dealing with Your Jaw Pain

Man holding his jaw in pain before T M J treatment in Mississauga

Have you been hearing a clicking sound whenever you move your mouth? Does it seem like your jaw has constantly been in pain? Do some of your teeth no longer seem to touch when you bite down? These are just a few examples of warning signs that you may have a TMJ disorder. Instead of ignoring the problem, you can give our dental practice in Meadowvale a call to see what kinds of TMJ treatments we can offer to help relieve your discomfort.

Why Choose Meadowvale Family Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?

  • Custom-Made Occlusal Splints
  • Experienced Dental Team
  • Saturday Appointments Available

What Is TMJ Disorder?

Dentist pointing to jaw joint on model of skull

The term “TMJ disorder” refers to a family of issues that might affect your TMJ, or temporomandibular joint. When functioning properly, your TMJ allows you to make all kinds of movements with your lower jaw. But if there’s a problem with the joint, it could lead to a TMJ disorder. For example, bruxism might expose the joint to an excessive amount of strain, or the disc in the joint may become displaced. It’s not always clear what led to the disorder to begin with.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Woman sitting at desk with her hand on the back of her neck

You may have a TMJ disorder if:

  • You often grind or clench your teeth.
  • The muscles in your jaw often feel sore.
  • You experience pain whenever you try to bite something.
  • Your jaw sometimes becomes locked and won’t open or close.
  • Your bite has changed, causing your teeth to meet differently.
  • You often experience migraines.

Remember, TMJ disorder doesn’t manifest with the exact same symptoms for every patient. Even if you don’t recognize all of the symptoms listed above, it’s still worth getting in touch with our dental team if you have any doubts.

Types of TMJ Treatment

Smiling woman in dental chair receiving T M J treatment

Since there’s more than one kind of TMJ disorder, not every patient will need the same kind of treatment. Here are the options that we offer at our dental practice:

  • Equilibration/Occlusal Adjustment: Some of your teeth will be slightly reshaped, allowing them to fit together properly when you close your mouth. A harmonious bite can help relieve the pain in your jaw.
  • Occlusal Splints: An occlusal splint is a device that can move the jaw forward or backward. Keeping your jaw in the “right” position is generally better for your TMJ. On top of that, your splint can act as protection against nighttime teeth grinding.