Invisalign Clear Aligners – Mississauga, ON

Helping You Straighten Your Crooked Teeth

Smiling person holding Invisalign clear aligner in Mississauga

Does someone in your family have a crooked smile? Misaligned teeth affect more than just appearances; they might also lead to issues with chewing and speaking, and they could lead to gum disease since it’s harder to clean between them. Dr. Patel may be able to help you achieve a straighter grin with an Invisalign treatment. Call us if you would like more details about how Invisalign in Meadowvale works and what might make it a good fit for you or your loved ones.

Why Choose Meadowvale Family Dentistry for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Saturday Appointments Available
  • Family-Focused Dentistry

How Invisalign Works

Person holding an Invisalign tray

When your teeth are out of position, Invisalign can help move them to where they should be. This is thanks to the aligners that you’ll be told to wear for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours daily. There are many aligners involved with the Invisalign process; after wearing the first set for about two weeks, you’ll switch to the next one. Our team will make sure your teeth are moving as expected during routine progress checks, which will take place every six weeks or so.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman holding an Invisalign aligner outdoors

Invisalign can be used to correct underbites, crowded teeth, small gaps, and similar issues in about 12 to 18 months. The treatment is relatively discreet thanks to the clear plastic used to make the aligners; people meeting you for the first time may not even realize that you’re currently in the middle of an Invisalign treatment. Your aligners won’t stop you from eating whatever you want since you’ll be able to remove them when necessary.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Closeup of woman smiling while holding clear aligner

Not only are clear aligners incredibly effective, but they can also correct numerous orthodontic problems with the help of attachments, rubber bands, and the like. In other words, if you want to straighten your teeth without the metal, there’s a good chance that you’re a candidate for Invisalign! Until your consultation with us, you can read on to learn more on the topic.

Crowded Teeth

Illustration of crowded teeth

Overcrowding is extremely common. It’s also more than an aesthetic issue. That’s because the unique crevices that are created when your teeth overlap are difficult to clean, which increases your risk of oral health problems like cavities and gum disease. The good news is that – if your case isn’t too severe – we can create a custom series of clear aligners to guide your teeth into their properly aligned positions gently and discreetly.

Gaps Between Teeth

Illustration of gapped teeth

Noticeable gaps often make teen and adult patients feel self-conscious. Plus, like crooked teeth, gapped teeth can negatively impact your oral health. In that way, Invisalign can positively impact both your oral health and self-esteem! This is done with custom-made aligners, which you will wear for 1-2 weeks at a time. Once you’ve worn every tray in the series, you’ll have the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.


Illustration of overbite

If your upper teeth jut out far beyond your lower teeth, then you might have an overbite. There are a few problems with this bite issue outside of aesthetics, including that it can make it difficult to enunciate clearly. Fortunately, Invisalign has proven to be effective at addressing mild to moderate cases. Sometimes, this requires the use of other orthodontic accessories, like attachments, but they are just as discreet as the aligners, so they won’t draw any unwanted attention to your smile.


Illustration of underbite

An underbite is when the lower teeth sit in front of the upper teeth. Since this bite problem places the jaw in an unnatural position, patients often experience chronic jaw pain as well as difficulty chewing and enunciating clearly. That’s why it’s important to schedule a consultation – even if you aren’t having any trouble yet. From there, we can explore your treatment options, including Invisalign, to determine the best way to proceed.


Illustration of crossbite

A crossbite is when some of your bottom teeth sit in front of your top teeth and vice versa. Like the other bite problems on this list, there are several concerns, including premature wear and tear on your teeth, chronic jaw pain, and TMJ dysfunction. So, whether you have a mild or more severe case, don’t hesitate to reach out to us so we can schedule your appointment and determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.

Open Bite

Illustration of openbite

When you bite down, your teeth should come together evenly. If they don’t, then you may have an open bite. This orthodontic problem can develop for several reasons, including genetics, and it’s important to address it before complications arise, like premature wear and tear.