Sedation Dentistry – Mississauga, ON

Feel Completely at Ease During Dental Procedures

a patient checking her smile with a mirror

Although maintaining oral health is incredibly important both for a person’s smile and quality of life, many people struggle with dental-related anxiety. Feeling nervous or afraid of undergoing oral treatment can keep you from improving or even fixing your pearly whites when it’s necessary, and our team wants to ensure that you can get the care you need. That’s why we’re happy to offer sedation dentistry in Mississauga! Our team can provide IV sedation so that patients can undergo any procedure while remaining as calm as possible for a more pleasant experience. Not only does the medication work quickly, but it’s also quite effective and long-lasting. Keep reading to learn more about our sedation dentistry service or give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

Why Choose Meadowvale Family Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Comfortable Service for Those with Dental Anxiety
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Simplified Process for Ultimate Relaxation

IV Sedation

an example of an IV sedation setup

At Meadowvale Family Dentistry, we are happy to offer IV sedation to help patients stay calm and comfortable while receiving any form of dental care, whether you are undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction or getting dental implants to rebuild your smile. This particular option is designed to get you relaxed by injecting a sedative intravenously or through the bloodstream. Since it’s administered directly into the veins, you can expect the effects to begin quickly and efficiently. This sedation option also tends to make patients feel virtually euphoric or even sleepy, even though they’ll remain conscious enough to listen to the dentists’ simple commands or questions.

During your appointment, our team will closely monitor your vitals while you’re under the influence of IV sedation to make sure that you’re safe and comfortable while getting your treatment. The sedative will be quite powerful, as the effects can persist for several hours after your visit. That’s why you’ll need to arrange for a trusted friend or family member to take you to and from your appointment. Our team will be more than happy to walk you through the details of this sedation option so that you know what to expect before receiving the medication.