Dental Implants – Mississauga, ON

A Long-Lasting Form of Tooth Replacement

Man sitting on couch smiling with dental implants in Mississauga

Replacing missing teeth is important, not just for your appearance, but also for your overall well-being. Among the various forms of tooth replacement available, dental implants have become a popular option thanks to their long lifespan and ability to restore smiles in a way that looks and feels natural. If you have heard about the many benefits of dental implants in Meadowvale and are thinking of taking advantage of them yourself, call us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel.

Why Choose Meadowvale Family Dentistry for Dental Implants?

  • In-House Implant Placement Available
  • Warm & Welcoming Dental Team
  • Conveniently Open on Saturdays

What Are Dental Implants?

Illustrated dental implant with crown and abutment

One of the key features that distinguishes dental implants from traditional bridges and dentures is the fact that they are inserted into the jaw. Dental implant posts are made out of titanium, a metal known for its ability to join with bone tissue. This makes dental implant posts highly stable, but that’s not the only benefit they offer; they’re also able to function as tooth roots and can prevent jawbone deterioration that occurs naturally after tooth loss.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Illustrated dental implant being placed in the lower jaw

The timeline for getting dental implants is usually a matter of months. Here’s what the process will look like:

  • Initial Consultation: Our team will confirm your dental implant candidacy and create your personalized treatment plan. Sometimes preliminary work may be necessary.
  • Surgery: We place your dental implants. Certain patients might need to have more than one implant post placed.
  • Osseointegration/Abutment: Osseointegration is a natural process where the implant posts form a lasting bond with your jaw. Abutments can only be placed once osseointegration is complete.
  • Final Restoration: You’ll typically receive your final crown at this stage.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Close up of smiling senior woman touching her face

It’s no surprise that dental implants have become more popular when you look at all the benefits associated with them. On a day-to-day basis, dental implants can help you feel more confident about your appearance, and they’re strong enough to handle eating most kinds of foods. Taking care of them is relatively simple. As noted above, dental implants can help stop your jaw from shrinking due to bone loss.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Close up of smiling man with short beard

Our team can give you an overview of the traits that can make someone a viable candidate for dental implant surgery, such as not having gum disease. If you meet the criteria (or are willing to complete any preparatory procedures that may be needed to address specific issues), then you’ll be able to take the next steps toward rebuilding your smile with dental implants. The number of teeth you’ve lost is an important factor in determining what the dental implant process will look like.

Missing One Tooth

Illustrated dental crown being placed onto a dental implant

An implant post can be inserted into the spot in your jaw where the missing tooth used to be. After a few months, you’ll be ready to receive a personalized crown, which will be secured to your implant post via the abutment. The crown will be designed to mimic the appearance of your other teeth so that it looks like a natural part of your smile.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Illustrated dental bridge being placed onto two dental implants

The right number of implant posts and a well-designed restoration can be used to replace any number of teeth. When there’s a gap left by at least three missing teeth, you may receive a bridge along with two dental implants to support it. The natural teeth next to the space can remain intact since the bridge will rest on your implant posts instead.

Missing All of Your Teeth

Illustrated full denture being placed onto six dental implants

Even if an entire arch of teeth has been lost, dental implants make it possible to enjoy the benefits of a complete smile again. When getting an implant denture, you can typically expect to need anywhere from four to eight implant posts. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to choose between a fixed implant denture and a removable one.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Two woman sitting across a desk

How many dental implant posts will you need to pay for? Will you need to account for the cost of preliminary treatments? These are just a couple of the questions that need to be answered when determining the final price of dental implants. Our team can answer any questions you might have related to the cost of your replacement teeth.

Dental Implant FAQs

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Many patients considering dental implants want to know whether they last long enough to be worth the investment. Usually, you can anticipate that they’ll be more resilient than the alternatives, like dental bridges or dentures. In many cases, these highly durable restorations stick around for 30+ years but it depends on how well they’re cared for.

To elongate their lifespan, you should brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash twice daily. Also, avoid biting or eating anything that’s overly hard or sticky to prevent potential injury. For example, you shouldn’t munch on ice, chew pen caps or fingernails, or open packages using your teeth.

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

Another common question is whether it hurts to have dental implants placed. Because the process includes a surgical procedure, you can anticipate that there will be a certain degree of discomfort. That said, our team will do everything we can to minimize the impact. First, we’ll numb your mouth with a topical anesthetic before the procedure begins. In many cases, we’ll also provide sedation so that your body won’t register much pain or remember it after the fact. That means you don’t need to be as concerned about the surgery itself, but you may be sore afterward.

It’s normal to experience some mild throbbing for a few days after your procedure. If you’ve been prescribed pain medication, be sure to follow the instructions in detail to manage symptoms. Otherwise, over-the-counter options like Tylenol or ibuprofen can often provide some well-deserved relief.  

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

For your dental implant to be successful, it’s important to give your body the time it needs to fully heal. While you can resume your daily activities the day after your procedure, you’ll want to avoid strenuous activities that elevate your heart rate or blood pressure for a week or so. Physical exertion can dislodge the blood clot that needs to form over the surgical site.

It’s normal to experience mild bleeding and moderate inflammation for the first few days, but it should gradually dissipate. If for any reason yours gets worse or doesn’t fade, please contact us for assistance.

An essential component of recovery involves allowing enough time for your implant to fuse with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. Usually, this takes about 6 months although it could be longer if you don’t follow the post-op instructions provided.

What Can Cause Dental Implants to Fail?

Although dental implants have an incredibly high success rate of over 95%, there’s no guarantee that they won’t develop issues. Some conditions that contribute to their failure include:

  • Peri-implantitis. This is a form of gum disease that happens with poor oral hygiene habits and can damage the bone and gums supporting your restoration.
  • Failed osseointegration. Sometimes the implant won’t fuse properly with your jaw, which can happen if you lack the bone density to serve as an appropriate foundation.
  • Bad habits. If you use tobacco products, grind your teeth, or don’t regularly brush and floss then you could lose your dental implant.

If you have additional questions that weren’t covered here, you’re welcome to contact us and we’d be happy to provide further information.